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Timothy Chang, MD

CMA OrthopedicsOrthopedic Surgery
Address 550 US Hwy 62 West Suite 400 Princeton KY 42445 United States Phone: 270-365-9599
Photo of Timothy Chang, MD


Photo of Timothy Chang, MD

John A. Burns School of Medicine
University of Hawaii

Brooke Army Medical Center

Dr. Chang attended the University of Hawaii, where he received a Master of Arts degree in Economics in 1986, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Health Economics in 1991. Dr. Chang earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from the same university’s John A. Burns School of Medicine in 1994. Upon graduation from medical school, he served as a General Medical Officer in the U.S. Army at Fort Hood, Texas, for several years before completing his orthopedic residency in 2003 at the Brooke Army Medical Center, in San Antonio, Texas.

As a Medical Officer, Orthopedic Surgeon, and Chief of Orthopedic Surgery in the United States Army, Dr. Chang developed a particular interest in treating traumatic orthopedic injuries. During his 20+ years of military service, he treated some of the most severe traumatic injuries sustained by our country’s military personnel.
Dr. Timothy Chang has served the Western Kentucky region since 2014. His unique background and training offer a broad range of experience to treat patients for joint pain, joint replacement, arthritis, bone fracture, sport injuries, as well as skeletal, muscular, ligament, cartilage, and tendon injuries.