Join Our Advisory Council


Because We Care

Caldwell Medical Center is looking for volunteers to serve on our Advisory Council. This group works closely with leadership and staff to improve hospital services. Anyone who has received care at the hospital or outpatient locations and who are available to meet regularly are encouraged to apply.

No specific experience, education or background is required, but you must be at least 18 years old and have had an experience with Caldwell Medical Center within the past two years.

What We Do

The Advisory Council provides input and offers advice to improve overall patient and family experiences, patient safety and more. Staff regularly seek the Advisory Council’s input regarding overall delivery of care, hospital procedures and safety measures. Council members are asked to use their personal experiences and backgrounds to offer suggestions to hospital leadership about ways to improve planning and evaluation of services, program and policies, as well as how best to educate patients, family members, and caregivers.

If you are interested in serving on Caldwell Medical Center’s Advisory Council, please fill out the form below.